Garen Studio ha partecipato a mostre collettive nazionali e internazionali:
- Más allá del tiempo y el espacio – Convergencias y Divergencias entre tradiciones, historia y arte, Centro Insular de Turismo, Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria (16 novembre – 5 dicembre 2018); curatrice Angela Ciccarello
- Tramanda – Fiber Art Exhibition, Chieri (TO) (11 maggio – 30 giugno 2019)
- Small Tapestry International 6: Beyond the Edge, Orville J. Hanchey Gallery, Natchitoches, Louisiana (27 maggio – 20 luglio 2019); Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Rock Island, Illinois (6 settembre – 12 ottobre 2019)
- Accarezza l’arte – mostra tattile, Corte di Palazzo Vaj, Prato (12-28 settembre 2019)
Garen Studio was present both at national and international group exhibitions:
- Más allá del tiempo y el espacio – Convergencias y Divergencias entre tradiciones, historia y arte, Centro Insular de Turismo, Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria (16th November – 5th December 2018); curator Angela Ciccarello
- Tramanda – Fiber Art Exhibition, Chieri (TO) (11th May – 30th June 2019)
- Small Tapestry International 6: Beyond the Edge, Orville J. Hanchey Gallery, Natchitoches, Louisiana (27th May – 20th July 2019); Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Rock Island, Illinois (6th September – 12th October 2019)
- Accarezza l’arte – mostra tattile, Corte di Palazzo Vaj, Prato (12th-28th September 2019)